The Benefits of Having a Family Lawyer

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Family law is a broad area of law that mainly covers issues involving people who are closely related. Family lawyers deal with issues such as divorce, adoption, child custody, child support, alimony, estates, and wills. Before you dismiss the importance of hiring a family lawyer, you need to review some of the benefits you stand to lose by not having one.


In Australia, a couple can get a divorce if they can prove they were legally married and their Australian citizenship. Furthermore, a divorce is usually granted if a couple has irreconcilable differences. Divorce proceedings are highly publicised cases with serious repercussions for both parties.

If you married without a prenuptial agreement, you stand to lose a significant amount of your wealth in the event of a divorce. If you are more financially stable than your spouse, the court may order you to pay spousal maintenance or alimony. To avoid unfair rulings in a divorce, you are better off hiring a family lawyer for legal assistance throughout divorce proceedings.

Child Custody and Child Support

When a couple divorces, one of the contentious issues is who will live with the children. When the court grants custody to one parent or offers joint custody, they do this considering what is in the best interest of the child. A family lawyer can help get a custody ruling that is in your favour. Furthermore, when your ex-spouse violates the terms of child custody, your lawyer can pursue the issue in court to have them punished.

Child support is another issue that arises during a divorce. When ordering one spouse to pay for child support, the court will look at their financial status. With a lawyer by your side, it is easy to gather evidence to show that you deserve to get child support. Moreover, if your ex-spouse violates the terms of child support, your lawyer will be present to have them penalised.

Estates and Wills

When a person passes on without writing a will, their next of kin is left contesting over their estate. In such situations, a person's estate goes through probate. After the lengthy probate process, the court will decide how the deceased's wealth is going to be distributed.

A family lawyer can advise you about drafting a will. The lawyer can also be there when you want to update your will. The legal expert will help you minimise transfer taxes and protect your family's wealth. Furthermore, it is your lawyer who acts as the custodian of your will and who will read it to your beneficiaries once you pass on.
